Event-Planning Considerations: Do You Need to Hire EMTs?

Those who aren't very experienced at planning events may not realize all of the details that need to be taken care of before the event, in some cases a month or more in advance. One of these details is arranging for event EMT services, if necessary. Smaller events may be able to get by without an EMT on the premises, but you may still need to have some sort of first-aid station staffed by someone trained in basic first-aid skills. [Read More]

Make Recovery More Convenient And Comfortable In The Weeks After A Spinal Fusion

Recovering from spinal fusion surgery takes weeks, if not months, which can cause some extra stress and inconvenience in your life. Your doctor will provide you with recovery instructions that are custom-designed to help you get back on your feet again, but there are a few things you can do to make the recovery process even more comfortable—consider implementing these tips and tricks: Pack an Activity Box During the weeks after your spinal fusion surgery, you'll need to take it easy and spend a lot of time off your feet as you heal. [Read More]

2 Medical Flight Options To Consider And Their Benefits

One of the most beneficial services at your disposal if you need either an emergency flight to a medical specialist or need to fly while having a severe medical condition is a medical flight service. This type of service specializes in making it much easier and safer for their clients to fly with serious or extensive medical conditions. Listed below are two types of medical flight options to consider and the benefits that they can provide. [Read More]

Funding The Installation Of A Stair Lift

Remaining in their own home is a priority for many aging individuals. Unfortunately, the home can quickly become a dangerous place if mobility issues become a factor in the aging individual's life. If you have a loved one with a mobility issue, the installation of a stair lift to help with the navigation of a stairway could be critical in allowing your loved one to remain in his or her own home for as long as possible. [Read More]