3 Therapeutic Recreation Activities To Reduce Stress

In a country where approximately 15 million people are clinically depressed and one out of three adults suffers from high blood pressure, people more than ever are looking for ways to unwind. Recreational therapy can be used as a way for a person to deal with the stress of everyday life, or even to cope with being sidelines with a disease or injury. Depending on your particular situation, some of the following forms of therapeutic recreation might be ideal. [Read More]

What You Need To Know About Total Ankle Replacement Surgery

If you have arthritis in your ankles, your doctor may recommend a total ankle arthroplasty, or TAA. This surgery replaces damaged bone with metal and plastic parts to give you back the flexibility in your ankle. You'll be able to walk again without pain. Here is some information you need to know about what arthritis has done to your ankle and how this surgery will get you on your feet again. [Read More]

Is Your Child's Unclear Speech Related To Orthodontic Troubles

It can be hard to tell if your child has a speech problem when they first start talking because they are just learning how to make sounds. If your child is in preschool and you still have difficulty understanding and communicating with them, it's time to get a professional consultation. The problem with their speech could actually be stemming from physical aspects of their oral cavity. If there are orthodontic problems, your child may not be able to talk as clearly as they want to. [Read More]

Ways To Improve Quality Of Life For Cancer Patients

For any patient who is facing death, palliative care is a wonderful option designed to improve patients' quality of life. This, improving quality of life, is never more important than at a time where life is drawing to a close. While palliative care is often extended to patients in all kinds of situations, it is most common among cancer patients. These special patients deserve, more than anyone, to greatly enjoying the last parts of their lives. [Read More]