Six Mistakes To Avoid When You're Dealing With Psoriasis
Psoriasis is one of the most common skin conditions out there. In fact, there are currently more than 8 million Americans struggling with the condition.
Skin care treatments and medications formulated to moisturize the skin are among the most common treatment options for psoriasis. However, patients should make some changes to their everyday life in addition to using skin treatments for the best results.
The following are six mistakes patients suffering with psoriasis need to avoid to get the most out of treatment.
Eating a poor diet
How well you eat has a big impact on the health of your skin. If you're not getting enough of certain vital nutrients, your psoriasis could begin to act up.
Nutrients that are especially important when it comes to fighting psoriasis are vitamin D and essential fatty acids. Also, eating too much of certain substances like red meats and carbohydrates can aggravate psoriasis.
Living in a home with dry air
If you've suddenly started suffering from psoriasis, it could be because the air in your home is too dry. Dry air dries out your skin. Try installing a humidifier in your home if you know your air is dry to eliminate the problem.
Taking only showers and never baths
Soaking your body in a bathtub can help to moisturize your skin. Try to occasionally take a bath rather than just showering all the time.
For the greatest moisturizing effect, consider adding a substance like olive oil or mineral oil to your bath water. These substances make a bath more soothing for the skin and help relieve discomfort from psoriasis.
Using a lot of harsh soaps and perfumes on your skin
Those who suffer from psoriasis generally have very sensitive skin. If you are dealing with the condition, be careful what types of product you're putting on your skin. In particular, avoid scrubbing with harsh soaps or spraying a lot of fragrance on your skin because these practices can cause skin irritation.
Consuming too much alcohol
Psoriasis can be triggered or aggravated by excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol tends to dehydrate the body and dry out the skin, and this creates a situation where the skin becomes prone to psoriasis.
Having a stressful lifestyle
You may notice that your psoriasis becomes worse when you're stressed out. Take time out to relax and reduce the demands that your daily schedule places on you. This can lead to both improved skin condition and better overall health.